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In response to: Dreamcast Bios Font

friendly dreamcast font seeker [Visitor]
this would be really valuable to get working in Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst. it's still being maintained and updated by fans to this day, but the fonts are all wrong! if there's anything you still have that you could share, it would be much appreciated - I doubt any lawyers will come after you for something they abandoned 20 years ago~
Permalink 30/12/23 @ 02:50

In response to: Dreamcast Bios Font

admin [Member]
The page is quite broken at the moment. It doesn't really work at all for me on Chrome on windows, although it does work on my phone.

The reason I didn't just make it all available to download, is that this information is copyright Sega Corporation, and it would not be legal for me to do so.

I'll try to fix the page, but I don't think I'm going to be able to provide download links.
Permalink 09/08/21 @ 08:03

In response to: Dreamcast Bios Font

SEGAfan421 [Visitor]
Can you please set a download link instead of separate images? This makes it hard. Thank you!
Permalink 06/08/21 @ 13:52

In response to: An idea

Estate Agents in Peterborough [Visitor] ·
So you mean a bit like what Pinterest is doing?
Permalink 09/07/15 @ 14:53

In response to: Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn

Estate Agents in Peterborough [Visitor] ·
Is this the book that the movie was based on? I could be being mis-informed on this. I thought the movie was great!
Permalink 09/07/15 @ 14:30

In response to: Yamaha OPL project

admin [Member]
Sent you an email
Permalink 03/09/14 @ 13:27

In response to: Yamaha OPL project

Malvineous [Visitor] ·
I'd like to discuss a few things related to OPL chips, but I can't find any contact details for you. Is it possible to get an account on your forum? Thanks!
Permalink 03/09/14 @ 03:02

In response to: Future of this feed.

Phil [Visitor]
Well, I was using it, but if there's an official one, I might as well use that!


Permalink 31/03/09 @ 14:16

In response to: Braised Venison Steaks

Munro [Visitor]

I found this through a google search for "Oisin venison leg steaks" which I also bought (from M&S) yesterday thinking it was a good idea at the time. I am not a very experienced cook but this sounds great for my valentines meal that I'm cooking tonight.

My only concern is - is any of the experience lost by simmering the venison in a sauce for an hour as opposed to just frying or grilling each side? What is the venison like in the middle at the end? is it cooked right through or still red?

Thanks so much for the suggestions anyway - the bacon/onions/shallots gravy is just what I needed :)

Permalink 14/02/09 @ 10:16

In response to: Game Music

Jeff [Visitor] ·
Love to hear game music...reminds me of all the classics I use to play
Permalink 30/04/08 @ 10:00

In response to: Melton's

Paul Howard [Visitor] ·
I too a big fan of Melton's and must have eaten there more than ten times. However, it's definitely become a victim of its own success: I often can't get a table. When this happens I usually try Harvilles ( on Fossgate as a fall-back option. It serves good steaks and I've never had any trouble booking a table.
Permalink 09/01/08 @ 01:12

In response to: The moist maker

admin [Member]
Actually, I've never made mashed potato alongside a roast, I've always done roast potatoes. But mash really does sound like a good idea.
Permalink 24/11/07 @ 12:00

In response to: The moist maker

arron samules [Visitor]
actually, no, it's not. see, you've forgotten the mashed potatos and there were never any roast veggies. bread,turkey, mashed potatos, gravy soaked bread, cranberry sauce, turkey, bread. that, my ill-informed friends, is the real moist maker.
Permalink 23/11/07 @ 20:02

In response to: New Technotrend Schedule (posted 2 October)

Andrew [Visitor]
I just thought I'd let you know that this post was against 'Unknown' when it should have been against 'Technotrend', so that searching on category 'Technotrend' did not show it.
Permalink 02/10/07 @ 22:19

In response to: TechnoTrend Schedule Modified (posted 16 May)

jk [Visitor]
This software has cripped 1000;'s of boxes.. nice one techonotred.
Permalink 06/06/07 @ 15:41

In response to: TV - Video Connection is not a network Blog Verification [Visitor] · Blog Verification
Permalink 25/05/06 @ 12:44

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