Are we nearly there yet?
Categories: red, 0 words Send feedback • Permalink
Categories: red, 0 words Send feedback • Permalink
Categories: red, 0 words07/08/2008 20:55:40Send feedback • Permalink
53°43’55.854”N 4°49’45.954”W
4.45 knots - bearing 050.34°
Land spotted off the port bow. We're about half way between Anglesey and the Isle of Man, having made very good time, but punching tide now.
Categories: red, 0 words07/08/2008 09:27:24Send feedback • Permalink
52°52’10.644”N 6°0’18.762”W
6.03 knots - bearing 046.11°
The journey home! 197 miles previous leg, about 150 this leg. Left Arklow at 08:00 to catch the strong northerly tides up the Irish coast, which we can see today. No wind at the moment, but NW forecast later. Tri-sail rigged instead of the missing main sail, boom lashed to guard rail. ETA at Whitehaven of Friday afternoon/evening.
Categories: green, 34 words Send feedback • Permalink