Meniscus Blog

Are we nearly there yet?

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12:50:00 pm Permalink Whitehaven   English (UK)

Categories: red, 0 words
08/08/2008 12:50:00
54°33’10.764”N 3°35’47.508”W
3.76 knots - bearing 135.41°

Back to where we started. 161 miles from Arklow, 1862 miles in total. We had our ups and downs, but it was great fun and well worth it.
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09:52:16 am Permalink St Bees Head   English (UK)

Categories: red, 0 words
08/08/2008 09:52:16
54°24’25.752”N 3°39’28.464”W
5.88 knots - bearing 045.33°

Just around this headland is the port of Whitehaven where we started this adventure nearly 6 weeks ago. We're hoping to be through the sealock just after midday...nearly there!
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08:55:40 pm Permalink Isle of Man   English (UK)

Categories: red, 0 words
07/08/2008 20:55:40
53°43’55.854”N 4°49’45.954”W
4.45 knots - bearing 050.34°

Land spotted off the port bow. We're about half way between Anglesey and the Isle of Man, having made very good time, but punching tide now.
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09:27:24 am Permalink Mizen Head   English (UK)

Categories: red, 0 words
07/08/2008 09:27:24
52°52’10.644”N 6°0’18.762”W
6.03 knots - bearing 046.11°

The journey home! 197 miles previous leg, about 150 this leg. Left Arklow at 08:00 to catch the strong northerly tides up the Irish coast, which we can see today. No wind at the moment, but NW forecast later. Tri-sail rigged instead of the missing main sail, boom lashed to guard rail. ETA at Whitehaven of Friday afternoon/evening.
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05:58:57 pm Permalink Arklow   English (UK)

Categories: green, 34 words
06/08/2008 17:58:57
52°47’39.132”N 6°8’43.524”W
0.06 knots - bearing 173.97°

Entered the narrow entrance in visibility of less than 150 metres. Fuel and water taken on, then the sun came out. Rafted up against Donegal Breeze, thanks for the beer.
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