Post details: Newsletter


Permalink 01:18:02 pm, Categories: Fury of the Furries, Progress, 279 words   English (UK)


Seasons Greetings to you all.

It's nearly 3 months since I last made a test build available. One of the main reasons for this, was a small series of disasters which befell my website.

Well, the website is now back up and running at Hopefully I will continue to have reasonable access to it, and so to keep it and the project more up to date.

This newsletter is now being distributed by a mailer script, I hope this will address some of the issues that I had in the past getting the newsletter to people. Also it is archived on the website on the progress page and is available as an rss feed.

This build contains all of the sound effects in the intro movie. They are not yet in quite the correct places, and some parts of the movie are still running at the wrong speed, but I will be able to address all of this better when the music is finished.

I have now confirmed that the .kmd music files use an ad-lib based fm synthesiser, I am in the process of quantifying the parameters of that synthesiser, and then I will be writing a platform independant synth and a kmd tracker to play the music.

Also in this build, once you get as far as loading up a game, there is a little non-animated furry on the screen which you can move around using the arrow keys / dpad. There is no collision detection, but it allows you to see the whole level.

I am off on my Christmas holidays soon, so I'll write again in the New Year.

David O'Rourke (c14)

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